

I STUDENT EXCHANGE APELDOORN - SANT CUGAT 2013-2014 / English Department / INS Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat

dijous, 28 de novembre del 2013


Calling all students in 1r de Batxillerat at Ins Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat!

The English Department is looking for a visual identity for the Student Exchange we are organizing and needs your help. We are seeking current INS Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat students in “1r BATX” who can design a creative, innovative and professional logo design. The logo should be recognizable and help promote our exchange. The rest is up to you!  Please read below for more details regarding logo design, contest rules & submission requirements.

How to Enter the Contest
The contest begins on December 10, 2013. Submissions will be accepted through January 19, 2014. Winners will be announced in via our blog, Facebook page and by direct contact to the winners' email account. In order for your entry to be submitted and reviewed by our judges, all entries must be:
  • Submitted directly to English Department, englishdptaf@gmail.com
  • Submitted in its original source file and
  • Submitted as .jpg or similar.
  • In the e-mail contestants must include: full name, grade level and class, date of birth, e-mail address and phone number.
Logo Requirements
Professional: This logo may be featured on our blog, our social media page and other media (documents, letters, stationary, pamphlets, t-shirts etc). As a result, while we want the logo to be eye-catching, it must still be legible at a small format.
The logo must have two shapes: square and rectangular shapes (like a banner)
Theme: Logo must promote our 1st student exchange with Chistelijk Lyceum in Apeldoorn.
Colour: There are no limitations and any colours may be used. However, logo must look good in colour (if any) or black and white.
Integrity: Logos cannot contain copyrighted material. Logos must have been created and edited by the contestant(s). Logos may not include images or licensed images that have been previously published. Must be easily reproducible and scalable for large and small formatting.

Contest Details
Winner(s) will be selected by the English Department Staff in conjunction with the Arts Department. Contestants agree that INS Angeleta Ferrer English Department may publish their logo and name(s) and may use both for advertising campaigns and/or marketing materials in the future. Contestants assign all ownership rights, including all intellectual property rights to the logo, to INS Angeleta Ferrer English Department.  Additionally, the English Department may alter, modify or revise the logo as it sees necessary to achieve the goals of the centre. The English Department reserves the right to not select a winner if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.  

Contest winner will receive a pack of English books.

The verdict of the jury will be posted on 24th January 2014 on these sites:
The winner will also be informed by mail and/or personally.

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